Brain Teasers
Who's bigger: Mr. Bigger, Mrs. Bigger or their baby? Answer
Born at the same time as the world, destined to live as long as the world, and yet never five weeks old. What is it? Answer
It wasn't my sister, nor my brother, but still was the child of my father and mother. Who was it? Answer
About Me
- Name: Nay
- Location: Kentucky, United States
Mom of three beautiful children aged 16,15, & 12. Keeping myself sane by blogging about my life to the world. One Day At A Time.
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Previous Posts
- The Storyteller and the Thunder Clap
- Don't Get Wet!!!
- Reward System
- Happy Fourth of July
- Sharpie Attack
- Ain't He Sweet
- G & Mom Testing Audioblogger
- Thanks Aunt D**
- A Day in the Pool
- Strike!!!
- Strike
- Make a Muscle
- Awwwwwww

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